Is there a truth?

Truth.Satya is translated variously as true, real, actual; authentic and sincere. In these times where truth seems arbitrary and is used as a means of manipulation,we may ask, "is there A truth?"Ask yourself about your own Yoga practice:Is my truth as to what constitutes the best practice for me today the same as it was last month? Last year? Decade?Hmm: so truth is a slippery slope?Yoga teachers: Answer this question from astudent, truthfully-"Shall I look up in Virabhadrasana 1 (first warrior)?"For some students the answer is a resounding yes!Yet for others with neck issues, perhaps the answer isno, or at least not now.Hmm.. so the truth depends?Satya is one of the 7 great utterances (vyahtri) and second of the Yamas or disciplines from Patanjali's Sutras.If we agree that the root sat means truth, and -ya implies action, maybe we can embrace this idea not as an unchangeable thing, but as a practice:the ongoing effort to align ourselves with that which is.Yes, here is another practice, and not a rule like you heard from your parents: Always tell the truth!But rather, an ongoing inquiry, digging away at our fears and desires and our need for security, to uncover some greater, enduring understanding:All living beings are one. To align ourselves with that truth - as best we can - is to live a life filled with wonder and compassion, and our deeds, words and thoughts flow from our hearts peacefully and yes, honestly.


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Umm, I don't know...