Annie Carpenter SmartFLOW Blog
A word from Annie
Sun Salutations
This is a love story. And if you’re reading this, it’s probably your love story too. I love to move, to feel my body moving in space, and to move in such a way that I can feel the movement inside of this body
Farewell 2020, Hello 2021
Let's be honest—it’s been a terrible year in so many ways. The virus, the lock-down(s), the isolation, the anxiety, politics, and all the zoom meetings!
What's Enough?
What's enough? Tricky, eh? It shows up in the self-help mantra: "I am enough" and is a defining principle helping us get out of difficult situations, finally: "I've had enough!"
Stillness and Motion (virtually)
I feel that there are 2 kinds of people in the world: Those who get more focused in stillness, and those who find a steadier attention when moving. I think you can guess into which category I fall.
Together! (virtually)
We may feel that we are so small that we could never make a difference. Here's a simple meditation with which to begin...